
40 Years of Grace!

We are so excited and grateful to celebrate our 40th Anniversary this year! You can visit this page for updated information about our August 18, 2024 celebration as we gather at Hylton High School for a joint worship service. (Childcare will be available for ages 3 and under.) We will also post video interviews with long-time current and former members about how Grace Baptist Church began. We thank God for the blessing of Grace Baptist Church and can't wait to celebrate with you! Stay after the service for a time of food and fellowship! 
Choice of Two Sliders per person:
- Beef Brisket OR Pulled Chicken with House Barbeque Sauce, with Bun
- Macaroni & Cheese
- Coleslaw
- Drinks
- Cake
*If you have a food allergy or special dietary requirement,
Please bring your own food and stay for a time of fellowship.

Anniversary T-shirt Sale Ended

Please remember to wear your Anniversary T-shirt to our joint Worship Service at Hylton High School THIS WEEKEND!

Grace Hispanic

We are the Hispanic Ministry, growing in numbers slowly but surely. We are very grateful to be part of Grace Baptist Church and to partner in the growth of the Gospel being spread in Woodbridge. Your support and your love keeps us faithful in our mission to reach as many Spanish speaking people as possible, who want to learn and establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We started this ministry about 15 years ago with only 6 people. Throughout the years our numbers have increased and sometimes dwindled due to the type of population we are trying to reach but the Lord has been good and now there are about 40 people that attend our services. We thank you all for your support and prayers.

We want to know how you have seen God working within our church! Please share your stories with us. 

Click Here To Share Your Story

Video Testimony about Grace Baptist Church

Stories about Grace Baptist Church

I had it all wrong and did not know it. 
I was a faithful Catholic since childhood. I am as old as when Sunday Mass was celebrated in Latin, and one was prohibited to own a bible. My knowledge of the Bible then, came from the Catechism book, which is studied during childhood. After that, all I had to do was go to church on Sundays, go to confession and receive Communion at Mass.
Shrinking my story.
in 1988 I met Pastor Charlie during my mother's last days at Potomac Hospital. I was impressed with the loving ways Pastor Charlie had towards my family and me. Losing my mother and husband at the same time was very painful.

Little by little, Pastor Charlie started talking to me about Jesus. Sometimes, of course, it didn't make sense to me that he tried teaching me about Jesus, and I would argue with him respectfully. I actually told him that he was wrong when he would say things like:

  • "The Jesus you know is not the Jesus I know". I replied "Are you telling me there are two Jesus? God is going to punish you for saying such things Pastor Charlie." He smiled.
  • One day after telling me about the plan of salvation he asked me "Do you know you are a sinner?" I replied a little frustrated and hurt "I know for sure I am not! I've been a good daughter, sister, friend, mother. I don't lie, cheat, steal, and I haven't killed anyone". To this he said "What would you say if I tell you I am a sinner?" --"Don't say that Pastor Charlie!!! People will not want to go to your church!" By then, I was considering visiting Grace, but I started changing my mind. So he patiently started teaching me in every visit.

This is why I ended up visiting Grace - It was the perseverance, patience and loving ways, which he learned from jesus that got me. One day I surprised him and came to GBC with my two boys. I was so hungry for love and I found that as soon as I entered the church. People smiled at me and hugged me. I was so lonely I needed that so much. They embraced my kids too and suddenly I had a family. Invitation came and I was "Well Done Christian". I never looked back, but went forward to receive Christ in my heart for good. Boy-O-Boy did GOD have a plan for me I was far to imagine. Becoming His messenger was not in my plans, it was in HIS, blessed be His Name!

Today at 77 years old, I can't travel on missions as before, but surely don't miss an opportunity to tell the Good News wherever I go. Not even the doctors or nurses can escape The Word.

"Never give up", These were the last words Pastor Charlie spoke to me before he left to be with The Lord.

-Gloria Fernandez

Grace Baptist Church and it's impact on my life
Having been a part of Grace Baptist Church for over thirty years, it is a blessing to reflect on how this body of believers has influenced my life.

When Glenn and I first visited Grace, we were immediately touched by the love and friendliness of the people. The Pastor, Charlie Chilton, never had to be reminded of our names, and we felt God's drawing us to be part of this fellowship. Our children were young, and encouraged to be a part of the youth program. Glenn and I became a part of the choir, led Sunday School classes, and served in many outreach ministries of this wonderful church. Glenn was honored to serve on the board of Deacons and he was blessed by this ministry.

Through the years, and many life changes, Grace Baptist has been such a part of my life. Both of our children were married, grandbabies born. My Dad passed away in 2010, my Mother in 2018, and them my God loving husband went to be with the Lord at the end of 2018. Through every minute of life changes, my Church Family has been by my side. The love and encouragement that I continue to experience is amazing. This body of believers is "family" and I'm blessed to share life with them. I am now honored to lead a ministry to those who, like me, have lost a spouse and are learning to live beyond our loss. Until the day that my Lord calls me home, I pray that I might always be a part of this wonderful outreach, serving Him in this community.

-Gail Miller

About 30 years ago, God started a MOPS program here at GBC.

When my first child was born, a friend invited me to a start-up MOPS program in our church in Saint Louis, MO.  When we moved to another church closer to our home, 2 friends started talking about starting MOPS group there. I was excited.  I knew I could contribute my experience and know-how to their endeavors.  But instead, God’s plan was to move our family to Woodbridge, VA, where no one had ever heard of MOPS.

For nearly 2 years I attended a MOPS group in Mount Vernon. The second year, the drive was sometimes daunting as my friend, Linda Niemic, and I with our toddlers, made the 45 minute drive to attend the meetings at Plymouth Haven Baptist Church.

During that time, Pastor Charlie mentioned from the pulpit that the divorce rate in Prince William County was 2:3. Nationally it was 1:2 marriages ended in divorce. That statistic shocked me.  I heard the Lord whisper to me a MOPS group was needed in our community and that I was the one to start it.  I felt confident that with my years of organizational experience in the Air Force, as an enlisted member, and then an officer, I could do this.  And besides, God was calling me to it, so I trusted that He would enable me.

I made an appointment with Pastor Charlie who encouraged me to talk to the ministry board: besides Charlie, I only remember Diane and Bob Gray were on that committee, but there were others. The council approved the new ministry and I immediately contacted MOPS International and requested a charter.

MOPS started with a handful of homeschooling moms who gave of their time, talents, and abilities to help other mothers grow relationships with others and experience Jesus in a safe and encouraging place.

God moved Linda to be my co-coordinator, then we asked many of our friends to prayerfully consider leadership positions on the board.  I could see God working from the way women responded to the request and how the church supported and encouraged us.
After making calls to all the pastors of the other churches in the Woodbridge area, I sent follow up letters asking them to notify all the mothers of preschoolers and invite them.

That first year, besides the women on the our steering committee, there were about 30 other women, some from our own church, but mostly from the surrounding community.  It was so encouraging to see God working beyond our own church doors.  Witnessing young moms growing in confidence as leaders in MOPS and also inside our church was a huge blessing. God truly blessed the first year of MOPS at Grace Baptist Church with great success!

MOPS now MomCo (new name) will continue to be a great success at GBC if it remains God’s ministry. I have been greatly blessed by it: first as a MOPS member, then as a mentor, and now looking back at how far God has brought it. 

-Kayoko Miller

I’m 38 and have been lucky enough to call Grace my home church starting in my childhood to teen and even into my adult years. God has always been faithful in the people he provided. Not only the leaders but also through so many with servant hearts who have poured into the building, the people, the staff and children over the last 40 years.

-Carolyn (Humston) Vernon

My first time at Grace was at Patti Elementary school before the church was building was built. 1988. Pastor Charlie Chilton and Pastor Danny and Debby Quirin were main influences along with the Holy Spirit. I was involved heavily with the choir and youth group for many years. Being baptized by Charlie and being trained up to go into all the world. God used Grace Baptist to form my Theology and to allow me to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

-Jamie Place

The Easton family has worshiped at Grace for 30 years, treasuring the guidance and love given to our military family and growing children. God lead us to the missions ministry, where He continues to mobilize the people of Grace.

We have seen God at work in raising up leaders who desire God, and equipping them as disciples. The church ethos of service in response to the Great Commission has supported student and adult volunteers around the neighborhood and the world. God has brought the international community to our neighborhoods and called Grace to share His love with all. Today, there are countless new believers because of this Christ Like global ministry. Grace volunteers have taken the Good News to these and many more locations:

Greek refugee camps
Guadalajara, Mexico
Pocahontas, Virginia
Thailand, Bangkok, Phanat Nikom,

-Jan Easton

God has brought me from a mighty long way towards His love, grace, and mercy. In early 2001 I arrived at GBC and felt right at home navigating my way as a newcomer to Northern Virginia, like many who arrive at GBC. I learned a lot from Pastor Tim's teachings through the years. I enjoyed his perspective and wit teaching us and as I continued to evolve in my walk with Christ. I was impacted by GBC's tireless efforts to spread the Gospel to all willing to hear near and far, offering opportunities to all members to pray, give, train, equip and spread The Word, whether it was starting with ourselves, our own home, our immediate family and/or community and to various parts of the world. I learned so much and was overjoyed when I heard the stories from those who went across the region and overseas to share Jesus and how God works through what seemed impossible situations and simply happened once Faith was put into action. Although I have not YET had the opportunity to take the Gospel worldwide, I have had opportunities to share Jesus within my community and it has made a world of difference in my life. My children have grown up learning to do for others, share Jesus wherever we go and that all we do we do it for the honor and glory of God. I have been privileged and blessed to work in the Children’s Ministry, because these children have taught me much more than I could ever teach them. I have developed much love, respect, and appreciation for missionaries worldwide and I can’t wait to see how God will continue to move in our lives as we continue live freely in and for Christ and practice The Great Commission.

-Blanca Rocha

When the land was being cleared for the church, many of the men and women came together to clear the land. It was wintertime and cold, so those with a talent for cooking provided us with piping hot, hearty soups to keep us fed and warm. Someone that day suggested the church furniture should be built with the fallen trees. I took on that task, and made a wooden bible stand, but Pastor Charlie Chilton came to the house with a suggestion to build a much larger podium, and so I did. Well, then we needed a Communion table, so I took on that task too.

My wife and children were believers and very active in the church, but I was not a believer at the time. I didn’t care for the rule about no dedication plaques on items at the church. So, I underhandedly placed plaques in inconspicuous places on the furniture (just in case God forgot!). The plaques or stamps either have my name on them, or a dedication to my father who died when I was young.

In 1994, I finally came to know Christ personally and made my way down the aisle to turn my life over to the Lord. My family and I moved to Southern Maryland in 1997, but we will never forget our time at Grace. We were last here for Pastor Charlie’s funeral and saw many people we loved from our Grace days. I’m so happy to know that Grace continues to be an active, vibrant church, serving the needs of others at every opportunity.

-Mick Mauck

In 1987, I’d returned to living in the area and came across a surprise in the local newspaper – Pastor Charles Chilton wrote a daily devotional and was part of a new local congregation! Years earlier, in 1967, Pastor Charlie knelt with my brother and me in our newly built Dale City home as we proclaimed Christ as our Lord and Savior, which was followed by baptism a short time later at Triangle Baptist Church. My parents spent time with Fay and Charlie at their home in the Philippines, and he came to speak at a youth conference I was part of as a teenager living in Taipei, Taiwan. Now here he was back in Virginia! I had to try out this new church.

Although I knew Christ as my Savior, it was at Grace that I learned how to take the steps to make Christ Lord of my life. Through the lives of men and women who poured themselves out and into the lives of my children through Sunday School, Mission Friends, Survival 1, 2, and 3 for New Christians, Master Life, and ongoing discipleship classes every Sunday morning and night, I witnessed love in action. As I committed annually to serve Christ at Grace, I learned the value of true commitment. It was an exciting time, as we moved from services at Pattie Elementary School, a community center in Dumfries, and finally, to break ground on our property! Miriam Owens and I and one other (sorry I cannot recall their name) made all the interior building selections - sanctuary chairs, classroom furniture, wall colors, floor mats, and what seemed to be a hundred other things. So sorry if you don’t like blue! I learned to serve the homeless and less fortunate, I learned to serve children, I learned to serve other men and women, and learned how to tangibly be the hands and feet of Christ. A lifelong pattern of service was developed in me which continues to this day, and it also came to life in my husband and children. Our children model it for others and love out loud in tangible ways every day of their lives. One daughter and her husband are in the ministry; another daughter went to China for a year to do missionary work. I recently realized I’ve been part of four church plants in my lifetime with two surviving churches….Dale City Baptist and Grace.

Thank you to all the people who said “yes” to starting a new church plant, then putting in the time, money, energy and devotion to make it happen. There are now just a few surviving initial members, but scores of you have continued the legacy of being committed Christ followers, impacting people whom God dearly loves.

- Kate Mauck