Weekly Reading

Our current sermon series is walking through the Gospel of Mark. In preparation for worship
as a church family this weekend, we invite you to read and meditate on Mark 12:1-27.

*Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 13-17 but the weekly reading covers verses 1-27. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse.

Scripture Outline (Mark 12:13-17) 

1. Pharisees and Herodians attempt to trap Jesus. (vs. 13-14)

            a. They ask Jesus a question they hope he can’t answer.

2. Jesus recognizes their hypocrisy and answers with a lesson. (vs. 15-17)

            a. Jesus uses a denarius as an object lesson.

            b. Jesus recognizes the authority of Caesar and God correctly.

            c. People marvel at Jesus.

Printable Scripture Notes